

Hear first hand from thousands of satisfied customers, how Byte clear aligners have transformed their smile and improved their lives.

Customers Speak

I have gaps and it made me feel really embarrassed. Byte was super easy and simple. It definitely boosted my confidence.

Alexandra G.

Real patient compensated for their testimonial

I’ve come a long way. Pre-Byte, I was very insecure. Now, catch me smiling at everybody!

Alyssa A.

Real patient compensated for their testimonial

Happy customers

Before & After

Sort By

Jane Gap
Paige K.
Paige K.Crowding
Robert S.
Robert S.Crowding
Erin B.
Erin B.Spacing
Laura S.
Laura S. Crowding
Caleb P.
Caleb P.Gap
Aubrey H.
Aubrey H.Gap
Justin R.
Justin R.Crowding
Emily L.
Emily L.Gap
Jackeline M.
Jackeline M.Crowding
Russel F.
Russel F.Spacing
Isabella H.
Isabella H.Spacing
Robin K.
Robin K.Spacing
Patty M.
Patty M.Crowding
Adrienne A.
Adrienne A.Gap
Asia W.
Asia W.Gap
Jessica Z.
Jessica Z.Crowding
Brandi M.
Brandi M.Gap
Tracy T.
Tracy T.Gap
Shireef S.
Shireef S.Gap
Marcquiso J
Marcquiso J Gap
Jennifer L.
Jennifer L.Crowding
Nathan B.
Nathan B.Spacing

Get started today

Begin your smile journey now. And don’t stress—if you’re not a good candidate for Byte, we’ll refund the price of your Impression Kit. Not sure you want to begin treatment yet? No problem. There’s no obligation or commitment.

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